The Section Cut feature can be used for technical drawings to highlight certain areas or to be able to draw in dimensions.Without the option Cut intersecting objects only parts that don't intersect others will be cut.To use the tool, switch to the Part or PartDesign workbench, right-click on the cut object in the tree view and select in the context menu Set colors. You thereby might want to color certain cut faces using the Set face colors tool. Section Cut is useful for assemblies to visualize for example the working principle of a device.An important use case is that Section Cut creates real cuts, not hollow ones like the Clip Plane feature.When you select a cut object in the tree view and then open the Section Cut dialog, the cut positions will be read into the dialog. For assemblies this quickly consumes all CPU power and a sticky slider movement is not helpful. The reason is that a slider movement results in many cut operations is a short time. Note: For assemblies the sliders in the dialog are disabled (except the one for the transparency). a nice picture with several face colors, you can change the face colors using the tool Set face colors. This color can be specified like in the cut face section of the dialog. The drawback of the option is that all visible objects will get the same color. I assemblies intersections happen sometimes for object that are designed to only touch each other due to numerical precision issues. The option Cut intersecting objects allows to cut also objects that intersects each other. This only works if all cut objects have the same color or transparency. If the option Auto in the cut face section is checked, the color and transparency of the cut objects will be taken for the cut face. In this case the refreshing recalculates the min/max values of the sliders and cut positions according to the currently visible object dimensions. It is furthermore useful for assemblies, where you might want to hide some parts or later want to add them to the cut. The refreshing is necessary when you switched the document. This will be used when you check the next time a Cutting option. When pressed, it takes a kind of a screenshot of the currently visible Part objects. To remove the cut object, uncheck all Cutting options.īy unchecking all Cutting options, the button Refresh view becomes active. The dialog option Keep only cuts visible when closing hides everything in the tree view except of the cut object when the button Close is clicked to close the dialog. SectionCutY when it is a cut in Y direction. The buttons Flip flip the side that is cut.Īs soon as a Cutting option is checked in the dialog, you get a cut object in the tree view. It is also possible to combine cuts, for example to cut in X and Z direction. You can then either enter a position (in coordinates of the document) or use the sliders to set the cut position. By checking one of the Cutting options in the dialog the feature is activated. Therefore you can control what will be cut, by making a part visible or not. The Section Cut feature takes all currently visible Part objects in the active document into account. It can be detached from its opening position by pressing the button at the upper right of the dialog. It is independent of the current workbench and the currently opened document. The Section Cut dialog is opened via the menu View → Persistent section cut.