Speedify is a smart app that offers patent-pending channel bonding technology for people like you and me. But once they do this, their phone won’t join other working WiFi hotspots either, wasting valuable 4G data. Unfortunately, the many issues with public WiFi hotspots leads most people either telling their phones to “Forget” certain WiFi networks so it won’t connect, or actually turning off their phone’s WiFi to get off the broken hotspot.

Connecting to a bad WiFi hotspot is often the same as having no Internet at all. Smartphones are bad at detecting poor WiFi networks, and they default to WiFi instead of LTE when it’s available. Unfortunately, mobile devices don’t handle WiFi handoffs smoothly and that’s one of the reasons why public WiFi hotspots keep disconnecting. Plus, by default, as you’re moving around, you will be “passed” around from hotspot to hotspot, like in the case of a cellular network. So, there are many chances you stumble upon a non-working WiFi hotspot.
If you’re connected to the public WiFi, your iPhone or Android smartphone will “navigate” from one WiFi hotspot to another (Xfinitywifi, TWCWiFi, CableWiFi, OptimumWiFi, Starbucks, McDonalds, Macy’s etc.). If you are on the move (on the street, bus, etc.) you could also run into problems when moving between different hotspots. That’s why you may see you’re connected to the public WiFi network, but not able to access any website. Sometimes the public WiFi hotspots are placed in locations that result in spotty signal strength or even dead zones – “zombie” hotspots / sticky WiFi.